Know More about Banks Marketing Strategy

In addition, love is known to go through the stomach - and advertising in this case too. So, surprise your bank customers with small tasteful (in the truest sense of the word) attentions, additionally printed with your bank motive and the winning slogan. In addition, chocolate, gummy bears & Co. have a double effect: The sense of taste provides a more intense perception. Because advertising combined with pleasure, remains in the memory. Incidentally, the sweet advertising is also available in great packaging / shipping options: gift boxes, depositors, and more..

Merchandise Shop: Advertising in the bank branch & presence in the media

For advertising and marketing for local banks in the branch and in the media, CBW relies  on clear imagery and targeted messages. With innovative designs, informative content and professional concepts, a confidence-inspiring appearance is ensured and the award "BEST BANK on site" promoted efficiently and specifically.
Our products for your bank branch range in this category from both classic and unusual promotional items, such as stickers or napkins on modern advertising technology with banners, display advertising as well as terminal graphics. We also ensure a strong media presence in print and online (for example: advertisements, press releases, web design).

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